Creating Balance with Vicki Ellis
Creating Balance Institute – Vicki Ellis founded the Creating Balance Institute (CBi), a place where therapeutically educational courses teach students HOW to create balance in most aspects of their lives.
Chronic Pain Control: Altering Reality 3.0
Vicki is currently writing a book series covering the EMCR classes. More books for the series may follow.
Time permitting, she will write a textbook on pain and pain control, Pain Textbook for Wellness Therapies, plus a similar book, called Chronic Pain Control: Pain’s Reality with less scientific details than the textbook.
Vicki’s students benefit from her personal experience with successfully overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder and controlling chronic pain. Solid science, combined with personal experience give Vicki’s courses more depth, authenticity, and integrity.
In the past, Vicki worked as a research biochemist and taught college Biomedical and Life Science courses. She loves learning, so over her lifetime, she accumulated fourteen academic years’ worth (plus summers) of college courses, mostly at Colorado State University (CSU). She studied not only the physical, biomedical and life sciences, but also nutrition, psychology, and social work. She earned her Anatomy/Biomedical Science Master’s degree (2001) studying neuroscience at CSU. Her broad, rather than specialized education enables her to better understand larger systems. Going a couple of steps further, Vicki also became a certified master life coach.
Vicki Ellis combined her broad education in science and personal recovery experiences to develop therapeutic CB Intrinsic courses that teach students HOW to reduce stress, manage unruly emotions, respond rather than react, welcome conflict and challenge, heal emotionally, physically and spiritually to find inner peace and create balance in their lives… plus, control chronic physical pain to the point of stopping it, which can even lead to regaining muscle (or gland) function. CB Intrinsic courses teach students HOW to change nearly all aspects of their lives intrinsically, from the inside out.
CB Intrinsic Courses Cover:
Long-term Stress Recovery
Emotion Management
Chronic Pain Control
Conflict Resolution
A little Creating Balance history: Vicki Ellis founded Creating Balance in 2011 when she volunteered that year at the local jail to help inmates overcome stress. From those sessions, she developed Creating Balance classes and in 2012 she offered a twelve-class series titled the “Science Side of Spirituality” at the local Bas Bleu Theatre in Fort Collins. That series was all about living life more lusciously.
Creating Balance is Intrinsic for Everyone
AKA CB Intrinsic for short.
Based on results from teaching her classes, the therapeutic benefits inherent in the Creating Balance concepts and skills became apparent. She analyzed her classes to understand why they were so effective and realized that every ingredient necessary for creating balance is found within us. By teaching her students the skills, they could reduce stress and create balance in their lives, and benefit from the healing effects of reduced stress. She devotes her life to teaching these educational, therapeutic CB Intrinsic® Classes for Long-term Stress Recovery, Emotion Management, Conflict Resolution, and even Physical Chronic Pain Control.
At first, her CB Intrinsic (CBi) courses consisted of “Peeling Onions – Finding You Again” for overcoming anxiety, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). She later developed “Peeling Onions – Finding Peace Again” for managing unruly emotions. Those eventually evolved into the current, fully-formed, approximately 20-hour Emotion Management/Conflict Resolution (EMCR) Course, along with the 2-hour Overcoming Anxiety (OA) class added specifically for PTSD recovery whenever requested.
Vicki developed the CB Intrinsic Chronic Pain Control Workshop in 2013. Her pain control techniques can control an incredible range of pain sources. She stops chronic pain for herself and discovered that when she teaches others these techniques, they can control their chronic pain for themselves, too.
Chronic Pain Control then took on a life of its own with her first attempt to write her Chronic Pain Control book published in 2016. Approximately 2 years later, after discovering even more positive effects from using the pain control techniques, she wrote Chronic Pain Control: Altering Reality, followed by the second edition in 2019, and the third edition in 2020.
Altering Reality describes all of the pain control techniques so that adults can learn how to control chronic pain for themselves or for their patients or loved ones. It is available in paperback and eBook on Amazon.
Vicki has been writing a pain textbook for massage and physical therapy students, Pain Textbook for Wellness Therapies, which describes how pain works, pain control and management modalities, and how pain control techniques work. Neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience fields have come a long way toward understanding how we can control pain. Vicki uses her education in neuroscience to utilize over 400 hundred research articles from peer-reviewed, premier scientific journals to help explain how the CB Intrinsic Chronic Pain Control techniques work; both the CB Intrinsic Touch (neuroscience) and the Mindfulness-based Pain Control (cognitive neuroscience) techniques.
Chronic Pain Control: Pain’s Reality will mirror the pain textbook, but contain fewer details. It is a massive undertaking and will hopefully be available, along with the textbook by 2023.
The Creating Balance Institute has evolved since 2011, too. Given the range of courses offered, Creating Balance Institute is an excellent place for learning HOW to free one’s self from stress on all levels and find peace and improve health from within right now, Intrinsically.
All CBi Classes Are Life-Changing
Vicki’s broad education for understanding complex systems, plus experiences during her lifetime culminate in her ability to develop these courses. They effectively teach students HOW to be more effective, creative, productive, tolerant, patient, inclusive, empathetic, compassionate, innovative, responsible, accountable, clear-minded, objective, joyful and loving, and how to improve their health, relationships, and sense of well-being for their mind, body, and spirit.
For practically every aspect of one’s life, the science-based knowledge and skills gained from CBi courses empower students to control stress, rather than allowing it to control them. And, CB Intrinsic courses and classes give students positive results right NOW.
Don’t wait any longer. Please Schedule your Initial Consultation with Vicki Ellis Now.
CB Intrinsic Stress Recovery Courses
Are Taught within the
Creating Balance Institute,
A Place for Learning HOW to Literally
Reframe, Redirect, and Redesign Your world.
Books for each of the CBi Stress Recovery classes Vicki teaches will hopefully become available before 2022.
[Given the fact that any courses from the Creating Balance Institute (CBi) are educational, they do not provide treatment for mental illness. Treatment of mental illness requires a qualified, licensed mental health professional. CB Intrinsic (CBi) educational/therapeutic courses may help improve outcomes for those mental health treatments.]